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Moses: Precursor to Messiah

Did you know that before Moses died, he told Israel that one day, someone just like he (Moses) would arrive and that the nation had...
Moses: Precursor to Messiah

Did you know that before Moses died, he told Israel that one day, someone just like he (Moses) would arrive and that the nation had better listen to this prophet.

Here is what Moses told Israel in Deuteronomy chapter 18

’The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.’ (Deut 18:15)

And a few verses down, God also tells Israel the same thing:

’The Lord said to me: ‘What they say is good.  I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him.  I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.’ (Deut 18:18)

God states very clearly that whomever does not listen to this prophet – he will have to answer to God Himself as to why he rejected His words.

By the way – a prophet is simply God’s way of directly speaking to people other than by His written word.  In this case – someone who will be similar to Moses.

Was it perhaps Joshua?  Some Rabbis believe that, but according to the Hebrew Bible it could not have been Joshua.  ‘’Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face’’ (Deut 34.10)  This verse was written after Moses died and Joshua had already been Israel’s leader at that point.  So the writer of the last few verses of Deuteronomy tells us that – as of now – no one like Moses has arrived yet.  Joshua?  Nope, not him.

So who was this person Israel was to expect like Moses?  It is clear in the first century that people were still waiting for this person to show up.  Look what they asked about John (Yochanan): 

‘’And they asked him, ‘What then? Are you Elijah?’ He said, ‘I am not.’ ‘Are you the Prophet?’ And he answered, ‘No.’ (John 1:21) 

Did you see that?  They just used the exact same term the was used in Deuteronomy – simply: are you ‘’THE Prophet’ not ‘A’ prophet.  This has to mean they were still looking for this one to come during the first century.

So why do we think it is actually Yeshua / Jesus whom Moses and God spoke of….

Well here are over 40 ways that Moses was like the Messiah of Israel – Yeshua (Jesus.)

1) Baby Moses was born when gentiles ruled over Israel. (Ex 1:8-10)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 3:1)

2) Baby Moses was attempted to be killed by an evil ruler. (Ex. 1:22)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 2:16)

3) Baby Moses was hidden to keep him alive. (Ex. 2:2)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 2:13)

4) Baby Moses was put into a very unusual basket as a baby. (Ex. 2:3)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 2:7)

6) Moses grew in favor with those around him.
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 2:52)

7) Moses was brought up by a man not his natural father.
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 3:23)

8) Moses had compassion on the sufferings of his people. (Ex. 2:11)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 14:14)

9) Moses was kind to women at a well. (Ex. 2:16-17)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 4:7)

10) Moses was in ‘exile’ in a foreign land until the evil ruler died (Ex 2:23)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 2:13)

11) Moses was a ‘shepherd’ of God’s people. (Psalm 77:20)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 10:11)

12) Moses began ministry with a supernatural event. (Ex. 3:2-4)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 2:7)

13) Moses was sent because the people of God were in need. (Ex. 3:7)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 9:36)

14) Moses was ‘sent’ to deliver his people from slavery. (Ex. 3:8)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 8:34)

15) Moses was called very humble (meek). (Numbers 12:3)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 11:29)

16) Moses performed many public miracles. (Ex. 4)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Mark 6:2)

17) Moses wanted to liberate God’s people to serve God (Ex. 9:1)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 8:36)

18) Moses delivered Israel through blood sacrifice. (Ex 12:13)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Hebrews 9:26)

19) Moses told Israel to remember God’s deliverance w/ a meal. (Ex 12:25)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 22:19)

20) Moses gave Israel ‘living water’ to drink. (Numbers 21:16)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 7:38)

21) Moses way of life was ‘healing’. (Ex 15:26)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 9:11)

22) Moses had people murmuring against him. (Ex 15:24)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 20:11)

23) Moses gave God’s people heavenly ‘bread’ to eat. (Ex 16:15)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 6:51)

24) Moses gave God’s people ‘daily’ bread. (Ex 16:20-21)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 14:21)

25) Moses had people who wanted to stone him. (Ex 17:4)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 10:31)

26) Moses went up on a mountain and told people of God’s law. (Ex 19:3)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 5:1)

27) Moses was spoken to in a thick cloud. (Ex 19:9)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 17:5)

28) Moses sprinkled the blood of the covenant on God’s people. (Ex 24:8)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Hebrews 9:14)

29) Moses wanted people to obey God’s law from their heart. (Deut 6:6)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 5:8)

30) Moses interceded for Israel. (Ex 32:11-14)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 23:37)

31) Moses spoke with God face to face. (Ex 33:11)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 10:28)

32) Moses fasted 40 days and 40 nights. (Ex 34:28).
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 4:2)

33) Moses’ face shone with the glory of God. (Ex 34:29)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 17:2)

34) Moses told Israel to keep a lamp lit continually. (Lev. 24:2)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 5:16)

35) Moses fed the multitudes. (Ex 16:16)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 14:21)

36) Moses was faithful (Numbers 12:7)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Hebrews 3:6)

37) Moses asked God to pardon the iniquity of His people. (Num 14:19)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Luke 23:34)

38) Moses was heard by God. (Numbers 14:20)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 11:42)

39) Moses said the children would enter the promised land. (Num 14:31)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 14:30)

40) Moses gave Israel ‘a helper’ to remember all the Lord’s commands. (Num 15:38)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 14:16)

41) Moses told Israel that the signs and wonders would prove he was from God. (Num 16:28)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 10:25)

42) Moses made a fiery serpent and all who looked upon it were healed. (Num 21:9)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (John 3:14)

43) Moses chose 12 men for special work. (Deut 1:23)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 10:2)

44) Moses said that from the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses truth could be established. (Deut 19:15)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 18:16)

45) Moses’ own relatives criticized him. (Num 12:1)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Mark 3:21)

46) Moses split waters. (Ex 14:21)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus who did better! (John 6:19)

47) Moses was initially rejected as Israel’s judge. (Ex 2:14)
So also it was with Messiah Jesus! (Matthew 21:42)

We believe the evidence is clear.  Yeshua / Jesus was the One God and Moses told Israel to one day look for.  The prophet has arrived.  Have you accepted Him yet?